What Is OGAds? Make $100 Per Day With This OGAds Method

What Is OGAds? Make $100 Per Day With This OGAds Method

What Is OGAds? Make $100 Per Day With This OGAds Method
Friday, January 28, 2022


What Is OGAds? Make $100 Per Day With This OGAds Method

Today I’m going to be reviewing a content locking platform that goes by the name of OGAds and share some of the benefits that you will gain if you decide to become a member of it. 

I’ll also be sharing a very beginner-friendly method that you can use to make at least $100 per day with OGAds.

This method doesn’t require any previous experience from your side and can help you to make some additional money even if you haven’t made a single penny online before.

You can use the money to cover for your necessary costs or pick up something new for yourself like a brand new iPhone or even that Gucci shirt that you’ve always dreamt of buying.

This method will make sure that you use the internet for a higher cause instead of sitting around all day and browsing through random social media posts that won’t do much for you but waste your precious time. 

Rest assure that this method will help you to kick off your making online money journey. Still, if you’re serious about succeeding in the online world, then you might want to look at my number one recommendation for making money online. 


OGAds is a mobile and desktop affiliate network that gives its members a chance to earn money by using a slightly different ad format than the usual ones, and it’s referred to as content locking. 

And if you don’t know what content locking is, at least know that there is a huge probability that you’ve already encountered it somewhere. 

A content locker usually comes in the form of a pop-up and acts as a shield to a piece of content that you can get access to only if you complete a specific action like fill out a survey or something along those lines. 

You’ve probably seen it one of those some movie sites that tell you that you can watch the movie, but you have to download a particular app or enter your e-mail address first.

That’s pretty much content locking in a nutshell, and with OGAds, you’re able to earn anywhere from $0.04 – $20 (on average) per download, which is quite a handsome sum. 



OGAds is a CPA Network founded in 2014 and has been considered as a number one choice for affiliate marketers who are looking to earn some money through content locking. 

It is a legitimate site backed by an awesome community of over 8.000 people who are there to offer you a helping hand during any time of the day if you ever happen to need it. 

In this community, you will find a bunch of folks that are just starting, quite enough seasoned affiliates, and a couple of admins and moderators there to give you a hand with anything related to this platform. 



Of course, it is. It’s amongst the top 10 content locking sites who regularly host weekly prize giveaways that motivate the affiliates to push as hard as they can while getting full support from one another with one goal in mind, to earn as much as they can. 

You don’t have to worry whether OGAds is a scam or not, because it isn’t. The platform has more than 40.000 registered publishers on it, and they have been paid more than $250M to this day. 

Know that you will gain access to more than 600 offers if you decide to partner up with this platform, which gives you plenty of room to mess around and test different offers in all types of niches. 



Without a doubt, OGAds is one of the top networks to collaborate with if you’re dealing with content locking and mobile traffic. Also, I have listed some of my favorite features about this platform. 


1. Beginner Friendly 

It has on the most user-friendly dashboards I have ever seen, and I consider it the best choice for people that are just starting with CPA Marketing. It has a ton of newbie-friendly offers and provides its users with fast and secure money transfers. 


2. Works Great With Social Media 

It’s a very social media-friendly content locking platform that works great for people who are promoting CPA offers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other well-known social media hangouts. 

If you have a big following in Sports, Health & Beauty, or Fitness, you can make a lot of money with OGAds. It’s completely safe, and you’ll put all of your social media accounts in good use. 


3. The Desktop Content Locker 

With OGAds, you’re also given the option to use the Desktop Content Locker. It’s fully optimizable, and there are several content locker themes to choose from. It’s a great feature to use since it will improve your earning per click and will provide your site with the most suitable design.

Design is a crucial part of the process when working with content lockers since it puts trust in the eyes of a person trying to unlock the content and makes it look more trustworthy, meaning it will convert better. 

The Desktop Content Locker allows you to mess with different sizes, shapes, colors, images, and other fully customizable CSS options. All you have to do is integrate one line of code, and you should be good to go. 


As promised, I’m going to share a method you can use to make money with OGAds. It’s kind of a grey hat technique, but that shouldn’t concern you because it’s completely legal, and you should easily make a couple of thousand dollars with it. 

Some consider it unethical because the leads you’ll be bringing in for the companies are generally kids who love to play video games. 

The chances are that these kids won’t have much money to spend, and that’s why they are not seen as ideal leads. If you, too, feel like this method is unethical, feel free to skip it. 


How does this OGAds method work? 

Large companies and app developers around the world want us to promote their products for them. All we have to do is drive traffic to these offers, and once the conversion happens, we will get paid. 

You’re essentially tricking people into thinking that they’ll get a bunch of free coins or promo codes for their favourite online game if they complete at least two of your content locking offers from OGAds. 

The video underneath is from a guy that’s already making money with this method, so my advice is to take a good look at it because this is the same thing that you’ll be doing as well. 

I’ve divided the entire procedure into four simple steps that will teach you how to set everything up. If you ever feel stuck, feel free to reach out to me, and I will do the best I can to help you out. By the way, the content locker in the video from above appears at 4:02. 


The first thing you would want to do is sign up for OGAds. The first two steps of the signup process are pretty self-explanatory, but once you reach the third step, it would be best to take a minute to look at this video

Don’t get bummed out if you don’t get approved straight away because the account approval procedure usually takes around 24 hours. You should be quickly approved, but if not, you can always try re-signing up with another username or a different IP address. 



The next thing you would want to do is create a CPA landing page like this one. This landing page is created by a guy already making money with this method, so I can assure you that it works. 


How does his funnel work? 

The first thing that you’ll be asked to do once you land on the page is to enter your Roblox username. 

You can enter any random username, and you’ll still be redirected to the next step because, as I said, this is a grey hat technique, and the people that will be completing these offers won’t actually get any free Roblox promo codes. 

Most of them will be kids who are ready to do anything just to get a couple of free promo codes for their favorite game, in this case, Roblox. 

You can either try to recreate the same landing page with Get Response or choose the less complicated route and hire someone to do it for you on Fiverr.  

You can even show him the same page from above and tell him that you want a page that looks exactly like the one that I just showed you. The Fiverr gig shouldn’t cost you more than $5. CREATE A CPA LANDING PAGEI strongly advise you to go through the entire funnel so you can see how it works and try to replicate the exact same thing. The last thing you want to do if you’re a beginner is to reinvent the wheel. 

Once you’ve entered your fake username (or real one), you’ll be asked to select the amount of Robux Coins that you wish to get.

You can get access to these Robux coins, but first, you need to subscribe to two of his YouTube channels. You don’t have to accept, you just need to click on the two buttons to proceed to the next and final step. 

He’s asking you to subscribe to both of his other channels, so he gains more subscribers, and his channels appear more legit and makes him even more money.  

Feel free to skip this step when you are doing things on your own because there’s a massive chance that you won’t have two YouTube channels when starting. But if you do, don’t hesitate to do the same step because it works. 

The final step is the part where you’ll be asked to activate your promo code, but before you can do so, you’ll need to complete at least two offers. (From OGAds). 

Once you complete them, the guy that created the content locker will get paid, and you’ll probably get disappointed since you won’t get any free Robux coins.  

Now you know his funnel, and what’s left of you to do is replicate the same thing but with your content locker and offers from OGAds. 



Now it’s time to create the content locker with OGAds. I’m going to skip this part since there are plenty of videos online that explain how to create a content locker with OGAds. 

Simply type “create content locker OGAds tutorial,” in Google and you should be on your way. Try to replicate the same content locker from the Robux video that I showed you a minute ago. 

The best offers for CPA Marketing are e-mail and zip submits, but you can also try to go with gift card offers. These three types of offers are very easy to do and convert very well. 

Please stay away from the pricier offers because they’re harder to complete and they don’t convert as much. It’s better to use a one-dollar offer that will convert a thousand times, instead of a ten-dollar one that won’t convert at all. 



This method requires you to use YouTube as your traffic source. I know that some of you might not feel comfortable creating a YouTube video, but don’t worry because there’s a way around that. 

The ideal video would look like the one that I just showed you a short while ago. If you’re not sure if you’ll be able to create a similar video, feel free to download the same one using this tool.  

You can then upload the very same video to your own YouTube channel. And if you want to use a different video, just type “get free Robux” in the YouTube search bar and see what other affiliates are doing. 

When uploading the video, don’t forget to optimize it by following this guide. Most of these keywords are easy to rank for, and you should get a ton of views by showing up in the related videos search tab. 



Hopefully, this article was more than enough to show you what OGAds is, how it works, and how you can make money with this platform. It’s genuinely an excellent content locking site that suitable for beginners. 

Still, if you’re serious about making money online with affiliate marketing, it might be best to join me and many other affiliates within this community

Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you feel like you need any help with this method because I’m an easygoing guy that just wants to help you make some money online. 

What Is OGAds? Make $100 Per Day With This OGAds Method
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